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Activate Your Graphite Grid License

Develop web applications using Graphite Grid by activating a valid license. This guide explains the activation process. If you don't have a valid license, visit our pricing section for information on obtaining one.


Before activating your license, ensure you have installed the Graphite Grid package (see Installation for more details).

Call activateLicense at least once before using Graphite Grid in your application.

import { activateLicense } from "@1771technologies/graphite-grid-react";

Validation Process

activateLicense validates the provided license key based on the encoded information and the internal build date within the Graphite Grid code. This process does not trigger any server connection.

If the license key is invalid, Graphite Grid displays an overlay indicating that a valid license key is required.

Perpetual Licenses

Graphite Grid licenses are perpetual and valid only for versions released during the license support term. To activate your license using activateLicense, ensure the installed version of Graphite Grid matches the version your license was issued for. Visit our pricing section for more details about licensing terms.
