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Bundling and Tree Shaking with Graphite Grid

Graphite Grid is optimized for efficient bundling and tree shaking, ensuring that only the parts of the library you use are included in your final bundle. This guide explains how to leverage these features for smaller, more efficient applications.

Tree Shaking

Tree shaking is a technique used to eliminate unused JavaScript code. Graphite Grid supports full tree shaking through its single module entry point ("@1771technologies/graphite-grid-react") and modern JavaScript module standards.

Choosing a Bundler

The choice of bundler depends on your application's setup:

With a Framework

JavaScript frameworks often come with a built-in bundler:

  • Next.js: Uses Webpack by default, which is pre-configured to support tree shaking. Learn more at Next.js Documentation.

Without a Framework

If you're not using a framework with a built-in bundler, we recommend:

  • Vite: A modern bundler that uses Rollup under the hood, providing excellent tree shaking support through ES modules. Visit Vite's official site for more information.

Best Practices for Tree Shaking

To ensure optimal tree shaking with Graphite Grid:

  1. Use ES Modules: Use ES module syntax (import and export statements) instead of CommonJS modules (require statements).
  2. Enable Tree Shaking: Verify that tree shaking is enabled in your bundler.
  3. Avoid Side Effects: Ensure your code doesn't introduce side effects that could prevent tree shaking, such as modifying imported modules or using imported functions in ways that can't be statically analyzed.

By following these guidelines and leveraging Graphite Grid's optimized design, you can create efficient applications with minimal bundle sizes.