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Getting Support for Graphite Grid

1771 Technologies is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and ongoing maintenance for Graphite Grid.

Existing License Holders

If you are an existing license holder, you can access support through the following channels:

When submitting a support request, please include the following information:

  • Your unique customer identifier, found on any purchase invoice
  • Your current support plan, which will be either Graphite Grid Developer Pro or Graphite Grid Organization
  • The type of support incident you are reporting:
    • Support Request: For bug fixes or general assistance
    • Feature Request: For suggestions on new features or improvements
    • Priority Support Request or Critical Support Request: Available exclusively to Graphite Grid Organization license holders

Private Support GitHub Repository

The private support GitHub repository is our preferred support channel. Access can be provisioned through the Client Portal.

If you believe you have discovered a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please create an issue in our private repository. Note: GitHub will show a 404 page if you are not logged into your GitHub account or do not have access to the private support repository.

After you submit a ticket, our team will review it and respond according to the agreed-upon SLA.


Before opening a new issue, it is beneficial to check if an existing issue is already open or has been resolved. We may close issues that are duplicates of existing ones. Such closures do not count towards your total number of allowed support requests under our EULA.

When creating an issue, please adhere to our guidelines:

  • Use the issue templates provided on GitHub
  • Include a descriptive title and detailed description of the issue
  • Provide a minimal, reproducible example
  • DO NOT include any private or confidential information in your descriptions


Please refrain from sharing any confidential or private information through our GitHub support channel, as all issues are visible to other 1771 Technologies customers.

If your support request requires sharing sensitive information, please get in touch with us at support@1771technologies.com.

Minimal Reproductions

It is essential to provide a minimal reproduction for issues that need a code fix. This can be achieved by creating a CodeSandbox demo or detailing the steps to reproduce the issue.

If we cannot reproduce the issue, it may result in delays in resolving your problem. Bug reports with precise reproductions are much more likely to be fixed promptly.

Stack Overflow

We monitor Stack Overflow for how-to-questions. To make your question more visible to us (or to search existing questions), use one of these tags:

  • gg1771
  • graphite-grid


The team at 1771 Technologies actively participates in several subreddits related to UI development. Posting a question on one of these subreddits will get a response from a member of the 1771 Technologies team. We are always available to help: